luni, 30 iulie 2012

Black Sea
Tourist attractions in Romania
Black Sea is situated between the great continental Europe and southeastern Asia Minor which washes the shores of Romania on a length of 245 km, Ukraine, Turkey and Bulgaria. Through the narrow Bosporus-Dardanelles-Marmara Sea communicates with the Mediterranean and the Kerch Strait in the Sea of ​​Azov - than what is essentially an addition to the Black Sea. It has broadly oval, slightly indented shores (except Crimea peninsula) and in the north-west has numerous estuaries. Shelf is extensive, especially in the northwest, and depths increase, reaching central-southern region at 2425 m.

The Black Sea is fed by numerous rivers, such as the Danube, Dniester, Bug, Dnieper, Rioni, Kizil-Irmak and its salinity is so low (on average 20-22 o/00) compared with the ocean. The average annual temperature in the Romanian sector is +12.5 ° C, exceeding the 2 ° C mean air temperature. Winter temperatures drop enough, frequently beat northwest winds causing large waves very dangerous for navigation. In cold winters in the northern Black Sea coastal freezes. Under the influence of winds to form a circular current, guided shore line, which, due to the Crimean Peninsula, closed branches are divided into two: East and West. A surface current transport through the Bosporus sweet waters of the Black Sea to Mediterranean Sea deep copmensator form a current that carries water to the contrary with high salinity. Lack of vertical movement at depths greater prevail not getting enough oxygen and hydrogen sulfide.

In the Black Sea about 1,500 living species, especially invertebrates, fish (including mackerel have great economic importance, thistles, anchovies, stavrizii and especially sturgeon, the species that exist only in the Caspian Sea, Black Sea and in more lesser extent, in the Mediterranean Sea: beluga, sturgeon and sevruga), dolphins and some seals in the head chair Kaliakra (Bulgaria). Since ancient times the Black Sea was a way through which the local population about the Black Sea regions came into contact with Mycenaean culture. Starting in sec. VIII i.e.n. Greek colonists on the shores of the Black Sea (Black Sea, which he called Pontus) have established a number of cities (Phanagoria, Kimmerike, Apolonia Pontica, Mesembria, Odessa, Callatis, Tomis, Histria, Tyras, Olbia, Crimea, Theodosia, Panticapaion, Dioscurias, Phasis , Trebizond, Sinope, Heracleea Pontica, etc..) who had an important role in economic, political and cultural contributing to hasten decomposition process of the primitive to the local triiburile. After the expedition of Pericles in Pontus (437 BC) a leading role in the economic life of the Black Sea basin was the city of Athens. Later in the year 88 i.e.n. King of Pontus, Mitriade VI, Eupator, became governor and ally of all tribes and peoples around the Black Sea (except Bithynia), representing a serious threat to Romanian influence in the East. In the mid first century BC, Burebista, head of the state if it starts, rule stretched on the left shore of the Black Sea between the Dniester and Apollonia Pontica. Dobrogea was conquered by the Romans and included in Moesia in 46 BC cities on the Black Sea Dobrogea (Callatis, Tomis and Histria) entered as the mastery of Rome, knowing a new economic and cultural flowering period (from Romanian). Romanian domination in the Black Sea was continued by the Roman-Byzantine (in century IV - VII AD), which, to maintain possession of the Black Sea trade routes, had to defeat the Iranian Sassanid state rivalry, and then Knezes the Russians. After cucuerirea Constantinople by Western Crusaders (1204), on the southern coast of the Black Sea came from Trebizond Empire.

From the same period began and Genoese and Venetian merchants penetration, which up to the Turkish conquest and trade monopoly was established in the Black Sea. At the end of XIV century, the beginning of the fifteenth century, the Black Sea's eastern border was Moldovan and Romanian Country. After the fall of Caffa, Crimea passing under Turkish suzerainty (1475) and the Cell and the fall in the hands of Turkish White Castle (1484), almost the entire Black Sea coast is in possession of the Ottoman Empire. Following the Russian-Turkish wars of the XVIII - XIX, Turkish dominion shrank continuously until, after the first Balkan War in 1912, rule on the shores of the Black Sea riparian countries gained about the actual configuration. Black Sea is an important waterway, connecting the regions bordering the Mediterranean Sea and thus the planetary ocean. Main ports: Constanta, Odessa, Kherson, Tuapse, Novorossiysk, Poti, Batumi, Trabzon, Sinop, Varna, Burgas. Black Sea is an important area balneoclimatica, over developed many internationally renowned resorts: Mamaia, Eforie, Mangalia, Yalta, Sochi, Sukhumi, Batumi, Varna. Romanian Black Sea coastline presents different aspects. In the north, from the mouth of the arm and Musura to Cape Midia (ca. 150 km), the shore is low, sometimes unstable, sandy, with dunes and coastal belts, the beaches. South of Cape Midia to the border with Bulgaria, the shore is high and steep (cliff), dug in loess and Sarmatian deposits, showing only here and there beaches (Mamaia, Agigea Eforie North and South Eforie, Costinesti, Mangalia).

Cliff was arranged by the green slopes and embankments. Romanian Black Sea Beaches by exposing them through eastern and sand, are very popular in Europe. Climate Romanian Black Sea coast is temperate continental, with slight marine influence. Annual and diurnal variations of air temperatures are more moderate than the rest of the country (70-80 days of summer). Precipitation is highly variable and occur at long intervals (400-700 mm annually). Near the sea and land breezes favor formation. Romanian Black Sea coast is subject to winter blizzards (winds from the northeast). Along the coast can distinguish two shades climate - north of Cape Midia, on strong evaporation (Razelm Delta Complex), which provides air and lowers wet thermal amplitudes - south of Cape Midia Air temperature regime is more moderate and more pronounced marine character, summer air temperature is lower than in the north, and winter is higher.

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